Carson Hill Mine GW Treatment System & Soil Cap


60’ x 50’ equipment compound inclusive of an 18’ high masonry block wall with roll up & pedestrian doors,  containment berms and equipment pads. A prefabricated steel building for electrical power and control room was procured and assembled on site. Automated controls for equipment components including dual air compressors,   3 x 5,000 lb carbon reagent tanks, 1 x 10,000 gallon molasses tank, motors and pumps with automatic valve control system were programmed and installed. An extensive manifold  structure  for 320  injection wells was constructed included solenoid valves and automated controls.

Offsite subsurface work involved setting four (4) –   6’ x 10’ subsurface  manifold vaults and providing the mechanical and electrical connections for the extraction and injection wells. Over   3,000’ of conductor wire was pulled back to the compound for power and control connection.


ProjectConstruction of ground water extraction and molasses injection system
ClientFormer electronics manufacturer, Bay Area - Northern California